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We kindly invite you to take part in the 5th edition of the Municipal Programme for Support of Tertiary Education, Science and the Business Activity Sector "Mozart" (2016/2017). The programme, financed by the Municipality of Wrocław, involves projects undertaken by scientists in partnership with companies operating in Wrocław. The initiative's priority is to offer the residents of the city new workplaces which will be created thanks to the development of enterprises supported by scientists - e.g. by developing new products and services. We hope that the dialogue of the two environments will also contribute to perfecting curricula (better responding to the market's needs) and teaching methods, as well as to the development of research programmes in the scientist's immediate environment. The programme was passed in 2012 by Wrocław City Council (act XXIX/652/12) and it will be conducted until 2018. So far, over a hundred science-business partnerships have been subsidised under the programme. These partnerships carried out own-developed projects responding to specific needs of entrepreneurs, and often impacted scientific and educational activities of Wrocław tertiary bodies' and scientific institutes' staff. PARTNERSHIPS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAMME ARE:

  • companies operating and employing staff in Wrocław (at least two) on the basis of an employment contract and
  • scientists with at least a doctoral degree employed at a tertiary institute in positions of an academic or researcher, or at research units in the position of a researcher. UNDER THE 5TH EDITION OF PROJECT’S FRAMEWORK:
  • The Municipality of Wrocław will subsidise up to 30 partnerships;
  • the projects will be conducted according to the following time-frame: 32 hours per month, for 12 months (the partnership's time-frame can be optionally extended by another 6 months);
  • the subsidy from the municipal budget (the scientist's remuneration for 32 hours of work) will amount to 3,200 PLN gross per month. The subsidy constitutes de minimis aid for companies;
  • the subsidy will be granted to partnerships oriented towards the growth of the labour market through development of new products, services and other solutions; the projects' added value is their positive impact on the scientist's immediate work environment as well as a possibility of carrying on with the works under the framework of wider research programmes. APPLICATIONS FOR SUBSIDIES: interested parties may apply online by June 15 2016 on the website www.wca.wroc.pl For more detailed information on the Programme, please visit our website www.wca.wroc.pl and organisation meetings held by WCA (details in the file attached).