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Shigeo Matsutomi, Amabassador of Japan and his wife visited the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone (WSSE). In the meeting participated Japanese entrepreneurs, whose companies are working in the WSSE. Because of Japanese investments more than 4200 people found their job. Companies with Japanese funds  are the second as for the investments in the Wałbrzych zone (by investing more than 5 mld zlotych). All of the Japan companies located their manufactures in Lower Silesia. 25 permissions for activity show that they are feeling well in the Wałbrzych zone. The permissions allow not to only to build a manufacture, but also give the opportunity to develop the existing facilities. Four Japanese companies are operating in Walbrzych: NSK Steering Systems, Poland Smelthing Technologies “POLST”, Toyota Tsusho and Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland- the biggest company’s production complex in Europe.
  • Out of 43 Japanese entrepreneurs operating within Lower Silesia, 11 are situated in the Walbrzych Special Economic Zone. The surveys revealed that the companies are giving positive rating- underlined Ambassador of Japan Shigeo Matsutomi- However we realize that looking for the qualified employees becomes harder and harder.
The Wałbrzych Economic Zone is supporting the process of adjusting education so that it will be able to fulfil the employers expectations. That is why Educational Cluster “INVEST in EDU”  was established. Its way of working will be adjusted to the new solutions announced by Anna Zalewska, Minister of National Education. The meeting was always an opportunity to talk about the development of WSSE and employment plans. The guests, during the ride through the zone, were able to see other institutions settled in Wałbrzych. Source: WSSE