Call for proposals for the Student Activity Fund
Wrocław Academic Centre (WCA) encourages you to participate in the fourth edition of the Student Activity Fund (FAST). This undertaking was initiated by the Mayor of Wroclaw and its aim is to support academic entrepreneurship, involvement in the development of scientific research, innovation and student creativity.
FAST was created for active students and doctoral students, student research clubs and academic associations. It is a form of promoting creativity, ambition, as well as systemic support for those who invent new technological solutions, social activities and conduct interesting research projects.
Wrocław authorities want to promote young scientists with potential. - Unfortunately, sometimes the creativity of young people is limited by such mundane matters as lack of funds for implementation of the assumed objectives or complicated procedures for applying for grants. And yet even a relatively small financial injection makes it possible to successfully pursue ambitious goals, which was shown by the experience of the previous editions of our programme - write the organisers of FAST.
Wrocław Academic Centre encourages scientific circles, groups and organisations of students and doctoral students working at Wrocław universities and institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences to apply for a city grant. As part of the Student Activity Fund, scientific projects may be subsidised up to PLN 5000, and in special cases, the amount may be even higher.
FAST special projects
As in the previous edition, this year the Commission will also award special projects, this time in two categories.
The year 2022 was established as the Wrocław Year of Good Relations - Against Loneliness, projects devoted to the subject of loneliness and solitude can count on special attention.
A special grant will be awarded for a project inspired by the figure of Edith Stein - a saint, philosopher and patron of Europe. - In this way, we would like to draw attention to the fact that this year is dedicated to this extraordinary woman from Wrocław, in connection with the 130th anniversary of her birth and 80th anniversary of her death - say the organisers of FAST.
For special projects, grants totalling PLN 30 000 have been allocated.
Detailed information can be found on the website of Wrocław Academic Centre.
The schedule for this year's edition of the Student Activity Fund (FAST)
10 March: deadline for applications
11 March - 7 April: formal and legal verification, commission meeting and adjudication
8 April: announcement of results
11 April - 30 April: preparation of grant agreements
beginning of May: signing subsidy agreements with the universities and beginning of student projects' implementation
31 December: completion of projects