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CIT is kilometers of space, dozens of rooms and tons of specialized equipment. But without scientists, their research, ideas and concepts, it's an empty place.

stresses Prof. Jaroslaw Bosy, rector of Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

- The center is our answer to the key challenges of today's world, i.e. the protection of biodiversity, sustainable yet efficient food production and the fight against progressive climate change, adds Dr. Dominika Sokulska, director of CIT.

She explains that Polish society is increasingly aware of the impact that good quality food has on human health, quality of life, or the prevention of diseases of civilization.

- We are also aware of the need to implement waste-free technologies in agri-food processing in the context of climate challenges, the gradual shift of the sector to renewable energy sources, reducing the chemicalization of agriculture, taking care of food safety, animal welfare, etc. For all these activities, new knowledge, highly competent scientists and effective cooperation with entrepreneurs are necessary. And CIT offers just that," says Dr. Sokulska.

Center for Innovative Technologies (CIT) - a modern research and development center of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

The center includes six specialized units equipped with state-of-the-art apparatus, which operate in three areas: food, veterinary medicine and environment.

CIT Food includes sensory testing of foodstuffs, the development of new food processing and preparation methods, as well as training in food service technology and waiter service.

  • It's an outpatient clinic where you will not only be able to get full dietary advice, but also get an assessment of diet and nutritional status, as well as exercise testing.

Finally, it's the Regional Product Center, where, in addition to developing new recipes for bread, beer, or wine, for example, it will be possible to improve existing skills or simply see how cheese is made.

  • Also, the CIT at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine provides scientists with a range of opportunities: from testing the effectiveness of new drugs, compounds or vaccines for the prevention of animal diseases, to studying the genetic variability of pathogenic microorganisms, non-invasive imaging of animals, to microbiological or parasitological studies.

CIT Environment, in turn, is made up of three units: The Center for Advanced Horticultural Production Technologies in Psary (a state-of-the-art greenhouse facility with a complex of six independent cultivation blocks, which has been equipped with modules for automatic control of fertilization, irrigation, lighting and shading processes, along with a weather station).

The Plant Production Technology Research Center at Swojc, where analyses of environmental samples and plant materials are performed, as well as the ocean of the effects of new substances and stress factors on the soil environment and plant yield.

The Plant Disease Diagnostic Center, which, among other things, monitors threats emerging in Lower Silesia, especially from pathogens and pests, and diagnoses diseases of agricultural, horticultural and fruit crops in various cropping systems.