Dialogue between business and NGOs launched by Babie Lato Foundation

Do business and charity have a chance to become partners, or does everyone choose to 'play to their own ends'? Can they find common goals and values? Put aside our own self-interest and act together for others? The Babie Lato Foundation wants to show that this is possible!
Last Thursday, on the initiative of the Babie Lato Foundation as a guest at the Pod Papugami restaurant, held a workshop, the idea of which was to develop common assumptions for cooperation between business and NGOs.
The workshop was led by mediators from the House of Peace Foundation, and the participants were representatives of Wroclaw companies and social organizations. In an intimate atmosphere, the participants exchanged their insights and experiences, and stressed the importance of direct contact and open dialogue about opportunities and needs, sharing ideas and jointly looking for solutions.
For us this is a very important project, resulting from our observations and experiences. Business is looking for opportunities and increasingly wants to be involved in social causes. This is due to the need for reporting of non-financial data. It cares about positive overtones as well as highlighting its contribution to change. Social benefit organizations need support in achieving their goals. Mainly this is a need for resources but also funding for actions. Mainly for publicity, which will enable publicity and can bring change on a wider scale. However, we don't quite understand each other's needs clearly enough, we don't know how to come together on a common point of benefit. We want to change this . Hence the idea for the workshop.
Aneta Rybus, Co-Founder, Member of the Board Babie Lato Foundation
Babie Lato Foundation's project 'NGO Business Dialogue' is aimed at companies and nonprofit organizations, its goal is to change the stereotypical view of cooperation between the two sides. The foundation plans to to conduct a series of such workshops, which will result in the development of a handbook of of good practices for business. The next edition of the workshop is coming soon.
We want to show that the cooperation between business and NGOs is possible because we believe it is. The first meeting has already shown how much potential there is in us. How much we can do together, bringing a real change of thinking. In the Babie Lato Foundation this is most important to us.
Natalia Koch, Co-Founder, Member of the Board Babie Lato Foundation
Babie Lato Foundation, was created out of the need to act and create projects focusing on
current and socially important problems and promoting knowledge in this area. It is created It is created by two active and full of ideas women who want to support others in conscious functioning in social and professional life.