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It includes characterization of local startups, their success stories and places where startups can develop their ideas. The brochure „Wrocław. Start Up Your Life” was prepared by Startup Wroclaw team operating within Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency (ARAW). The material is available in English. International interest in Wroclaw – We have prepared ‘Wroclaw. Start up your life’ because of increasing interest in Wroclaw startup ecosystem, noticeable especially among foreign experts, managers or investors that consider creating new coworking spaces in our city – says Magdalena Wypych from ARAW,  coauthor of the publication. – Also during our visit in Berlin or Tel Aviv we were asked about growth opportunities for startups in Wroclaw. Similar questions we have heard as well from Italian and French startups – adds Wypych. The document, among others, includes published for the first time characterization of Wroclaw startups’ specializations according to which in our city there is the biggest representation of young tech companies related to e-commerce (13%), healthcare services (11%) and software development (10%). - We estimate that there is more than 200 startups in Wroclaw – says Magdalena Wypych. – But it is important to keep in mind that this number of startups changes dynamically.


Half a billion for expansion In the publication ‘Wroclaw. Start Up Your Life’ the reader can find ten examples of successful Wroclaw startups (LiveChat, Pixers, Brand24, XTPL, Nestmedic, Zmorph, T-Bull, Saule Technologies, Explain Everything, DataWalk), as well as some of leading startups in specific fields (eg. Infermedica, Divante, Piwik Pro, Tooploox or Blebox). - To present successes of all Wroclaw startups we would need to prepare many brochures. – explains Magdalena Wypych. – We are proud of their strength and diversity. In the material there is a list of research centers, incubators, coworking spaces and VCs registered in Wroclaw. – The list proves that in our city it is easy to find a good place to run a business as well as carry out researches. Contact with investors is also accessible – adds Magdalena Wypych.


The study shows that in Wroclaw only publicly supported VCs have PLN300 million to invest in innovative projects. Adding PLN200 million declared by private fund ‘Fidiasz’ created by Krzysztof Domarecki, there is at least half billion Polish zloty of investment capital in our city. – However, in reality, there should be even more money devoted for startups development. For example, PLN30 million were recently declared by RST Ventures For Earth (VFE) fund that is not mentioned in our publication. – predicts the representative of Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency.