Pre-Select USA Conference

You're kindly welcome to attend a conference dedicated exclusively for Polish enterprises interested in investing in the USA, to be held on April 5 in Warsaw, Bagatela St. 12, from 09:30 am to 03:00 pm with coffee breaks and a snack break. The Warsaw event's host will be Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu S.A. (Polish Agency for Investment and Commerce) The conference organisers are the law firm Miller Canfield, Avitus Group, Citi Handlowy and C.A.S.E in cooperation with the Office of the Commercial Counsellor of the American Embassy in Warsaw and Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu S.A. The talks will be delivered by:
- experts in the field of law,
- experts in the fields of accountancy, service management, brand building, HR, IT, recruitment, as well as tax management and planning,
- experts in the field of banking,
- representatives of organisations supporting investors and
- Polish investors who have succeeded in the USA.
The conference will also be an opportunity for companies interested in cooperation to talk face-to-face to our speakers, particularly under the "Speed Business meetings" formula (appointments must be made in advance). The language of the conference will be Polish, with simultaneous translation. The number of admissions is limited. When your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation of your admission by e-mail. You can register by sending an e-mail message to: [email protected]