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"MiastoLAB" is a programme supporting innovative products and services for city residents. If you deliver a service of this kind and seek development opportunities – you are welcome to enrol for the programme. If your project becomes qualified, you will obtain an opportunity to meet experienced mentors, who have been involved in launching new products on the market, completed numerous social and business undertakings, are knowledgeable about new technologies and understand the realities of contemporary economies and cities. Additionally, we will use the innovative LivingLab method to carry out professional recipient research for you, thanks to which you will have a better understanding of the users of your solution thus becoming capable of seeing new a space for growth and innovation. In the end, we will organise for you a meeting with a few investors, where you will present your product to them, and if you make them warm to your idea - they will invest in its development. For details, please visit www.miastolab.pl.