ICT Companies' Mission to Japan - Tokyo 23 - October 28 2016

We invite companies hailing from the ICT sector interested in investing in the Japanese market to participate in the mission to Tokyo organised by the Japan External Trade Organization. The mission will take place from October 23 to 28 this year. The participants in the mission - ICT companies from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe as well as Baltic countries - will have an opportunity to attend the Japan IT Week fair and an investment seminar oriented towards the Japanese market, visit several well-known IT companies from Japan, and familiarise themselves with the services provided by JETRO (IBSC) to foreign investors. There will also be an opportunity to take a tour of JETRO (IBSC) business centre and the city of Yokohama, and take part in a reception organised at the Polish Embassy in Tokyo.
Invitation to the mission:
Mission programme:
Registration form: