Economic Mission to United Arab Emirates

Global Manufacturing & Industrialisation Summit in Abu Dhabi
The National Chamber of Commerce is happy to inform that an economic mission will take place inthe United Arab Emirates on 27 – 29 March, 2017, as part of the Global Manufacturing & Industrialisation Summit in Abu Dhabi. The event will be held under the auspices of Sheik Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, chief military commander of the UAE, with the Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates and the United Nations as the hosts of the summit.
During the meetings, in-depth presentations will be delivered with respect to opportunities for foreign investors' and entrepreneurs' participation in modernisation projects planned to be carried out in the UAE in the coming years. State-of-the-art and innovative solutions and technologies will be presented, and a platform will be developed for exchanging experiences and establishment of bilateral relations between the countries participating in the Summit's plenary sessions.
Detailed information and event programme are available on
Polish Companies interested in taking part in the Global Summit are requested to register via the on-line form or by contacting the employees of the National Chamber of Commerce:
Katarzyna Kaniewska, tel. 22 630 97 07, e-mail: [email protected]
Maria Nowakowska, tel. 22 630 97 83, e-mail: [email protected]