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Despite the summer season, the employment market is in high gear. According to just published survey of Randstad HR agency, even 37% of companies operating in Poland are interested in creation of new jobs in the country in the nearest half of a year. It is a great opportunity for employees, but also challenging situation for employers. Only one third of them is able to find a proper employee qualified enough to fulfill the needs of the company. 37% of companies surveyed by Randstad is interested in increasing the number of staff. On the other hand, only 7% of  all of them is considering to lower the employment. The results show that still there is a good environment on the recruitment market for those that are looking for new jobs. This tendency is especially visible in Share Service Sector (SSC/BPO) and in the industry where the will to employ has been declared by  about 50% of employers (50% and 43% respectively). “Comparing year to year, there are 26% more completed investment projects including a significant 5-fold growth of completed investments in business services sector (BSS)”, commented PAIiIZ president Bartłomiej Pawlak.  BSS together with automotive and B&R sectors have generated 75% of newly created jobs. This is a good information for those professionals that are considering development of their carrier within those sectors, Pawlak added. The survey also shows the atmosphere and financial situation in the companies operating in Poland seems to be good, according to 68% of surveyed people. As previously, management team was cautious in their evaluation of the future situation: 22% of them have expected the improvement of situation while at the same time 21% of them talked about the recession. When speaking about salaries, every fourth employer plans to raise them. However, companies are also introducing other tools and benefits to keep employees within current jobs. 2/3 of respondents reports that  various prizes for the best employees have positive effects on lowering the of employee’s rotation. Even better results were achieved due to providing training for employees (3/4 of respondents). It is worth to stress that the report shows that employees seems to be lacking of attention and subjective treatment. The reduction of the outflow of personnel was achieved by build individual career paths (50%), horizontal promotions (49%), arranging integration events for employees (46%), and even providing research on employees’ satisfaction (45%) and the reasons for resignation from work (35%). For the most Polish companies, recruitment processes is a real challenge - in the last six months up to 82% of companies have been looking for new staff. Only 37% of all vacancies were filled with people with proper qualifications, 31% finally hired fewer people, 21% had to limit the expectations regarding  qualifications, while 7% of companies did not hired anyone. Quelle: paiz.gov.pl