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For some time now, Polish programmers have been the best known of the sought after professional groups in the international arena. It is them who are attracting foreign business partners and developing solutions that make the world a better place. What are the programming languages we excel at? What is the source of the Polish IT sector's success?  Reasons to be proud HackerRank has published a ranking of countries boasting the best programmers in the world, where Poland proudly ranks third, following Russia and China and outstripping the industry's tycoon USA. How were the winners selected? The world's best programmers who are members of the HackerRank platform were given a number of tasks to tackle. Some of the assessment criteria were quality of performance and pace of action. Additionally, the report indicated at which programming languages we excel. It transpires from the initiative's results that we are masters of JAVA (1st place) and rank second in the Algorithms and Python categories. What lies at the root of our success? The credit should be given to educational centres, among other factors. The Polish educational system has for years put emphasis on mathematics and science. Education understood as a system that equips one with the ability to solve problems, or even mathematics competitions go back to as long ago as the time of the communist rule. Now basics of programming are being taught to the youngest students. The year 2016 saw the start of pilot classes in primary schools. In 2017, they are expected to run across the entire country. Additionally, technical tertiary institutes are enjoying increasing interest. The high standard of teaching and new courses in IT and innovative technologies are attracting more and more candidates, offering development of practical skills. Candidates' attitudes to their educational choices at the tertiary level have changed too. The biggest motivation is not interests but, primarily, opportunities of finding one's place on the labour market in the future. Cooperation without borders An increasing number of international companies are using the services provided by Polish software houses. Our IT support goes to both our neighbours as well as more remote countries. As it transpires from the HackerRank report, our programmers can be described as "persistent". We rank third in the category named "Country that never gives up", following Hungary and Switzerland. It's an important feature. Foreign partners associate Polish programmers with reliability. They know that regardless of their needs and the kind of challenges they set, be it the area of mobile, web, embedded, QA, or IoT applications, they can expect consultancy and support of expert teams. A good example of a company whose roots are Polish, one where programmers develop software for numerous business partners from different countries of Europe, is Altimi Software House. The company's Wrocław branch supplies solutions thanks to which citizens of Iceland can use a life-saving application, Swedes shop with e-commerce solutions, and Danish people learn foreign languages without leaving their homes - i.e. applying an e-learning platform.