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Poland is to become an official partner to the International Exhibition of Innovative Industrial Technologies Hannover Messe 2017. The status of a partner to the event offers Poland much bigger opportunities in terms of domestic industry promotion. On October 11, Deputy Minister of Development Paweł Chorąży and Marc Siemering, Vice President of Hannover Messe, signed a relevant agreement, also with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Rolf Nikel in attendance. Hannover Messe exhibition is the global industrial sector's most important and biggest event of this kind. It is attended by over 200 thousand visitors, including 70 thousand foreign guests. More than 5 thousand exhibitors from a few dozen countries present their offering. Also prime ministers and presidents take part in the event. This year, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the President of the USA Barack Obama attended the exhibition, among other prominent politicians. Every year, one country is granted the status of a partner to the event. In 2015, it was India, while in 2016 - the USA. Poland, as a partner country in 2017, is going to be the most visible participant in the event, as the prestigious national pavilion will be ensured to us; we will also be the co-hosts of the opening ceremony. The motto of next year's exhibition, to be held in April, will be "Integrated Industry – Creating Value". The idea combines various issues related to the digitalisation of manufacture (Industry 4.0) and power generation systems. A special promotion programme has been developed for Polish micro- , small and medium-sized businesses interested in taking part in the event, with the funds to come from the Intelligent Development Operational Program. Entrepreneurs will be entitled to apply for subsidies for expenses related to promotional activities. The maximum amount of qualified expenses eligible for support is 1 million PLN. Submission of applications has been planned to begin in early 2017. *** Poland ranks seventh among Germany's most important trade partners (following the USA, France, the Netherlands, China, the UK and Italy). On the other hand, Germany is the most important trade partner of Poland. According to data provided by the Central Statistical Office, our exports to Germany rose in 2015 by 11.5 per cent, reaching 203.5 billion PLN. Source: https://www.mr.gov.pl/