Ryanair doubles its size in Wroclaw. Opening of a second aircraft maintenance hangar

25 million euros, 8,300 square meters, 300 jobs - this is the shortest description of Ryanair's new investment in Wroclaw. The airline opened its new maintenance hangar at the airport today. It will double the capacity for servicing its aircraft.
Ryanair had one hangar for two aircraft at its only maintenance base in Poland - Wroclaw Aircraft Maintenance Services (WAMS). Now a double hangar has been built and the airline can maintain four aircraft at the same time.
Ryanair employs 550 specialists in Wroclaw
Every aircraft has to be maintained with a certain regularity. The frequency of inspections and replacement of individual parts is determined by the manufacturer. It depends on the aircraft model. Three factors are decisive: the age of the aircraft, the number of flight hours and the number of take-offs and landings. Overhauls vary from a few steam days to 23 days.
Our 8,300-square-meter hangar would hold six Olympic swimming pools. 300 new people will work here, bringing our workforce to 550. We are impressed with the skills of the people working in Poland.
Neal McMahon, Chief Operating Officer of Ryanair
Ryanair and the development of Wroclaw Airport
Ryanair's investment, according to Przemyslaw Myszakowski, the Vice President of Wroclaw Airport, is a seed for progress, for our airport to gain more and more prestige in this part of Europe.
The airport is entering the expansion zone, we are increasing capacity, and Raynair is part of the development of the port. We are looking forward to more investments. The development of the region and the airport is due to the work of the citizens of Lower Silesia and Wroclaw, and to the good cooperation with the local government in Wroclaw.
Przemysława Myszakowski, Vice President of Wroclaw Airport
New hangar, new aircraft - Ryanair invests
Ryanair is a low-cost airline, the largest on the continent and in Poland. It has 42 aircraft based in our country.
Within ten years, up to 400 modern Boeing 737 MAX aircraft will be added to our fleet. These planes will carry 20 percent more passengers with 20 percent less fuel consumption. We plan to carry 10 percent more passengers in Poland this season - 18.5 million.
Neal McMahon, CEO of Ryanair