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2 new directions to Lisbon and to Majorca Ryanair, Airline company no. 1 in Poland, on 30th of August officially opened “Travel Labs Poland” – modern IT centre in Wroclaw. The company also announced new flight schedule for summer 2017. Ryanair has been offering the flights to and from Wrocław since 2005. The company is expected to serve 1.5 million customers in Wrocław and will contribute to the employment of 1.100 persons. Polish passengers and tourists can choose from Ryanair's 26 destinations, including two new ones: Lisbon and Majorca. The number of customers in Wroclaw Ryanair will increase by 16%. New timetable for summer 2017
  • 2 new directions: Lisbon ( twice a week) and Majorca ( twice a week)
  • 26 directions in total
  • 1,5 million customers
  • 100 workplaces
Moreover, in November Ryanair will open its first hangar in Poland at the Wroclaw airport, where Ryanair’s aircraft will be kept, maintained and checked. Ryanair will invest in the construction of a hangar EUR 5 million and create 150 workplaces. Tickets at reduced prices “We announce sales of flight tickets  for summer 2017 at prices starting with 43 PLN. Tickets at reduced prices are available on www.ryanair.com until Monday (5 September) to 12 pm. To catch the best of the reservation go to www.ryanair.com today."- Michael O’Leary - chairman Ryanair   Source: http://corporate.ryanair.com/news/informacje/160830-ryanair-otwiera-travel-labs-poland-nowoczesne-centrum-it-we-wroclawiu/?market=pl