Scanway Space at WPT

On December 10, 2021, a conference will be held in Wroclaw. "Premiere of the space mission + start of the stratospheric balloon. Scanway Space”, during which the latest Polish-German space mission will be presented. It is carried out by Scanway Space and German Orbital Systems & Exolaunch. A start of a stratospheric balloon is also planned.
Scanway Space space mission
The conference is an open event to anyone interested in the space sector.
During the meeting, we will present our new project, a space mission, the purpose of which will be to test technologies related to optics and self-diagnosis of satellites in space conditions. With the participation of our guests we will also launch the third Scanway balloon mission this year - Jędrzej Kowalewski, CEO of Scanway.
Participation in the meeting will be an opportunity not only to learn the details of a new space mission carried out with the participation of a Polish company, but also to see a live launch of a stratospheric balloon, thanks to which experiments will be carried out in conditions similar to those prevailing in space.
Space mission premiere - registration
The conference, which is organized under the patronage of the Marshal's Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Wroclaw Technology Park and WroSpace, will be held on December 10, 2021 in Wroclaw at Duńska 9 Street (Delta building, Wroclaw Technology Park) at 10.00 a.m. Participation is free, but due to the limited number of places, registration is required on the website of the "Space Mission Premiere'' event.
Scanway Wroclaw: optics for industrial and space applications
It is also worth recalling that the company Scanway Space, operating in Wroclaw, has extensive experience in projects related to space.
The company is responsible, inter alia, for preparing the telescope for the EagleEye satellite, which is the largest fully designed and constructed observation telescope in Poland, and for the Polish satellite constellation PIAST.
Scanway is also the leader of the consortium that will prepare a study for the Polish Space Agency entitled "Development of the concept of an innovative project in the field of optical Earth observations with an assessment of its feasibility".
Scanway from Wroclaw specializes in the design of advanced optics for industrial and space applications. The creators of Scanway are the laureates of "30 Creative Wroclaw 2017"