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The National Conference of the Association of Organizers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centers in Poland (SOOIPP) is being held for the thirty-fourth time, but for the first time in Wroclaw, at the Bridge Hotel in Ostrow Tumski. Its co-organizer is the Wroclaw Entrepreneurship Council.

During the conference we wanted to talk about models of open innovation. Our goal was even greater and more effective cooperation between our centers and companies and large centers.

Piotr Kubinski, vice president of the Wroclaw Entrepreneurship Council

Without innovation there is no development. 

According to Marcin Urban, treasurer of Wroclaw, who is co-organizer of the meeting, the theme of the conference is extremely important.

The development of entrepreneurship and innovative business solutions is something that drives our local economies. I hope that the event will allow us to exchange experiences and make new contacts, which is extremely important for the development of Polish cities.

Marcin Urban

The competencies of tomorrow are important today

Among the topics discussed at the conference were the transformation of the economy, innovation of business models and the competencies of tomorrow. There is also talk of cyber security, innovation for green transformation, ESG strategies, innovation financing and new directions and acceleration programs.

According to Prof. Maria Ms. Mrowczyńska, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the discussions at the conference indirectly touch on areas related to education.

Building competencies and training human resources for the needs of industry is an important role of universities. In addition to the growing importance of digital competencies, we need to keep in mind the softer ones such as creativity, emotional intelligence or analytical thinking. Teaching them requires a different approach than those used so far.

Prof. Maria Mrowczynska

Investment in innovation pays off

According to Jan Szyszko, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, during the conference specifically dedicated to the transformation of the economy in the areas of innovation, company operations, digitization, cyber security and competencies of tomorrow, participants have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge on how to support projects in these areas.

Innovation, development and entrepreneurship are the most important drivers of economies, including industry. Poland has particularly great potential in the areas of human capital, market size or the ability to attract support for innovation activities. Year after year we see a systematic increase in the number of innovative companies. This shows, among other things, that Polish entrepreneurs have begun to convince themselves of the profitability of investments in innovation and research and development.

Jan Szyszko

The event is organized by the Association of Organizers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centers in Poland and Entrepreneurial Wroclaw 2030.

The conference was held under the honorary patronage of, among others, the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Development and Technology, the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, the National Center for Research and Development, as well as the mayor of Wroclaw.