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The success stories of Apple and Netflix are fascinating tales of perseverance, innovation and determination that helped create two global giants in the technology and entertainment industries. You will be able to learn more about them on Wednesday, September 22, during the upcoming Startup WRO Meetup.

They will talk about the history of the giants

This time the stage will feature, among others, Arthur Mrozowski, co-creator of the Netflix success story, who will talk about, among other things, how this well-known streaming platform transformed from a DVD rental service into a global online entertainment giant.

Another guest speaker will be Daniel Kottke, one of the first employees of Apple, which is one of the most recognizable brands in the world, although its beginnings were humble. Both will offer valuable advice to young innovators and future entrepreneurs.

A large dose of knowledge and inspiration

The organizers of the event invite new technology creators, founders, investors, students and anyone who wants to learn more about the road to success in the technology and entertainment industry. This event is sure to provide them with a lot of inspiration and knowledge that can help them develop their own startup or career.

All those who wish to attend can pick up a free pass at the event website. It will be held at Basecamp on Sienkiewicza St. 18/22, starting at 5 p.m.

The organizers of Startup WRO Meetup are Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency and Startup Wroclaw. Strategic partners of the event are Bank BNP Paribas and SDZ Legal Schindhelm.