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Owned by Lufthansa Technik and General Electric Aviation, the company XEOS announces the launch of a special training centre and close cooperation with Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The impact of innovative investments on the development of Lower Silesia was discussed in a meeting held on January 24 2017 at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The attendees included representatives of the investor and the authorities of Wrocław. XEOS, a company owned by Lufthansa Technik and General Electric Aviation, is to develop a facility whose operation will involve maintenance and servicing of ultramodern aircraft engines in Wrocław Agglomeration's Środa Śląska. The cornerstone for the new development is planned to be laid in March 2017, while the facility operation is expected to be launched in September 2018. XEOS representatives stress that their investment is worth 250 million EUR (1 billion PLN), while a further 75 million EUR will be spent on cooperation with regional suppliers and design studios. The company's facility will employ 500 people, most of whom will be engineers. 15 million EUR will be invested in the company's staff training. Part of these funds will be funnelled into the development of a specialist Training Centre in Wrocław.  The very training activity is to begin on February 1 2017. source: http://www.wroclaw.pl/