Wro BIZnES 2022 Good Networking and Socially Responsible Fair 2022

On September 13, 2022, the second edition of Wro BIZnES 2022 Good Networking and Socially Responsible Fair was held at Concordia Design, organized by the Lower Silesian Social Policy Center, the Economic Development Office of the City of Wroclaw, SOC TECH LAB and the Cluster of Social Economy Initiatives.
The event was very popular, because in addition to the conference and netoworking part, there was simultaneously a fair part, where it was possible to talk directly with exhibitors and buy locally produced products from them.
The meeting was attended by numerous representatives of the social economy, as well as representatives of local business. The meeting was accompanied by a positive atmosphere conducive to creativity and exchange of experiences.
Each participant had the opportunity not only to present his offer, but also to talk about their problems and challenges faced by their company, so that together with experts they could look for solutions. PES learned what entrepreneurs are looking for, and companies had the opportunity to find out what kind of products and services social economy entities offer.
The forum featured presentations by participating companies and PESs. With appreciation were the presentations of SOC TECH LAB, the Poland Mountains Foundation! and EY, who presented innovative applications as part of their pro-social activities.
There was no shortage of benefits - during the meeting there was a drawing for gift packages for companies made by PES. An added value of the event was the opportunity to receive a grant in the form of EY consulting dedicated to social enterprises.