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The Oxford Economics Global Cities Index 2024 is a report analyzing cities around the world in terms of the quality of life offered to residents. The authors of the study are analysts from the British consulting firm Oxford Economics, which specializes in economic analysis.

One thousand cities around the world were analyzed

The published ranking included a thousand of the largest cities from around the world, which are centers of broad development, especially economic development. Twenty-seven factors were analyzed, including such aspects as conditions affecting the standard of living of residents, the number of universities, air quality, climatic conditions and the way the city is managed. The strengths and weaknesses of the cities were also important.

Polish cities were also included in the list. It turned out that among them Wroclaw became the leader in terms of quality of life. However, in the same respect in the world ranking it took 96th place, ahead of Warsaw, which was ranked 111th.

The most important thing is that Wroclaw residents live well

The results of the report please and fill the city authorities with pride. According to Jacek Sutryk, the mayor of Wroclaw, it confirms the rightness of the path that was taken six years ago, putting above all improving the quality of life of residents.

Today we are reaping the fruits of this, since experts in such a prestigious report recognize that it is in Wroclaw, of all Polish cities, that this quality is the highest.

Jacek Sutryk

According to the mayor, such a high position for Wroclaw in the Oxford Economics ranking is due to its commitment to socio-economic development and care for the youngest and the oldest. The fact that the city has a great location on the map of Europe and is a thriving academic center also contributed to this, making it an extremely attractive place for investors from every corner of the globe. Consistent work is also underway to make the capital of Lower Silesia even greener.

Another ranking confirming Wroclaw's positions

According to Jakub Mazur, deputy mayor of Wroclaw, the results of the report are all the more pleasing because this is not the city's first such success. Just in February, the capital of Lower Silesia dominated the European Cities & Regions of the Future 2024 report, which compares the merits and potentials of European cities and regions in economic, financial and business terms.

We turned out to be the winner in the category of medium-sized cities, the most business-friendly location, the center with the greatest human potential and the best place to live. I believe that with our work we will strengthen this status.

Jakub Mazur

Lower Silesia's capital high in global ranking

The top ten in the Oxford Economics global ranking were New York, London, San Jose, Tokyo, Paris, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Melbourne and Zurich, respectively. So the top ten is dominated by American cities.

In the global ranking, the capital of Lower Silesia ranked 236th. Among all cities from Poland, the highest position, 193rd, was taken by Warsaw.