Wroclaw with the award of Regional Development Leader - for its impact on the economy and support for companies
The capital of Lower Silesia was awarded during the 10th Polish Entrepreneurship Congress in Krakow, organized by the Polish Entrepreneurship Agency. This time Wroclaw was recognized "for its real impact on the economy and support for Lower Silesian entrepreneurs." The award was received by Wroclaw's Treasurer, Marcin Urban.
For many years, thanks to the cooperation of the local government, business environment institutions, academia and business, Wroclaw has attracted many new investors and is home to many small and large companies. It is precisely these activities that were noticed and awarded during this year's Polish Entrepreneurship Congress, held in Krakow on November 13 and 14. This was the tenth edition of this event, which brings together representatives of the scientific community, Polish business, industry and local governments. It was an opportunity to exchange experiences and learn about new trends in social and economic life.
The award, like a litmus test
It was during the Polish Entrepreneurship Congress that Wroclaw received the Regional Development Leader award. It was recognized "for its real impact on the economy and support for Lower Silesian entrepreneurs." The award was received by the City Treasurer, Marcin Urban.
Since 2015, our city has had an Entrepreneurship Council, which includes representatives of the city, but most importantly entrepreneurs and their organizations, universities and people from the business environment. Together we have developed our own strategy for the development of entrepreneurship. This award is such a litmus test that has shown that it works.
Marcin Urban
According to the Treasurer of Wroclaw, the award given in Krakow confirms that the joint actions of the city and many business environment institutions create a good climate for business in the capital of Lower Silesia.
They award economic and developmental municipalities
The Regional Development Leader is a nationwide program in which the Polish Enterprise Agency annually awards municipalities distinguished by their thrift and development. Now Wroclaw has joined the group of winners.