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The "Polish Nobel Prizes" have been awarded for twenty years by the Foundation for Polish Science. In this way, scientists are given recognition for their outstanding and ground-breaking research in various fields of science. Professor Marek Samoć has been recognised for his discovery of the extraordinary optical properties of nanomaterials, which can be applied in areas including transforming optical signals, biological imaging, or energy conversion. Professor Marek Samoć specialises in the field of physical chemistry, carrying out activities including research into new materials for optoelectronics and photonics. He is a winner of many prestigious grants, such as "The Master" - of the Foundation for Polish Science (2013), and "Maestro" of the National Science Centre (2014), as well as the Prize of the President of the Council of Ministers (2015) and the Wrocław Science Award (2016). The "Polish Nobel Prizes" are awarded for exceptional scientific accomplishments and discoveries in four fields: life and Earth sciences; chemical and materials sciences; mathematics, physics and engineering related sciences, as well as liberal arts and social sciences. The winners are chosen by the competition committee made up of eminent professors. The value of the prize amounts to 200 thousand PLN. Source: http://pwr.edu.pl