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Vacancy in Wroclaw office market

Vacancy in Wroclaw remains relatively high, reaching 18.25% at the end of the second quarter of 2024. This translates to approximately 251,500 sqm of space readily available for rent, leaving a lot of possibilities for new tenants.

The newest buildings, completed within last 5 years remain in the process of commercialisation with 25.86% of the space remaining available for tenants. This translates into 64,100 sqm still available in the newest schemes.

Asking terms and conditions

  • Standard asking rents in primary locations: 13.00-16.00 EUR/sqm/month
  • Standard asking rents in secondary locations: 11.00-13.00 EUR/sqm/month
  • Standard rental period: 36-60 months
  • Standard service charge: 3.50-5.80 EUR/sqm/month
  • Typical rent free period: 5-10 months
  • Typical shell & core cash contribution: 500-650 EUR/sqm

Wroclaw office market definitions – how it works?

  • tenant/ lessee – (it is) your company,
  • landlord/ lessor – (it is) the owner of the building,
  • headline rent - usually reflected in EUR, alternatively in PLN; determination of the rent in EUR is related to the valuation of an office building,
  • net/gross area - the net area is the real area directly used only by your company for office and storage purposes, the gross area is the net area plus add on – this is the factor determining the share in the area jointly used by your company and your neighbours,
  • service charge – fees related to maintaining the building in a proper state (eg. cleaning common parts of the building, reception, building security, taxes etc.),
  • media / utilities – in addition (to the service charge) charged fees for directly consumed utilities by your company (water and sewage, electricity, heating),
  • rent-free – incentive offered by the landlord in the form of exemptions from payment of rent for a specified period of time,
  • cash contribution - an incentive provided by the landlord in the form of a cash contribution towards office space fit-out
  • securing the lease agreement (lease collateral) – usually in the form of deposit or bank guarantee in the amount of 3-month rent (for offices, parking places) and service chargé + VAT.